Sunday, August 12, 2012


This was an assignment for my Creative Writing class-which I was worried about when I read the description, but when I started working on it I became more and more interested.  I had to write from the perspective of an inanimate object, so here it is for you all to enjoy. 


I started living on the day you took me into your home.  Before that day, I had only known a life of loneliness and boredom.  I was placed on a shelf next to many eerily similar but very different versions of myself.  The sound of all of us echoed throughout that place, and was terrifying for me when I was first placed on that shelf.  On that shelf I saw thousands of humans pass me by.  There were all types of humans and they all passed me by.  Sometimes they would stop to watch my screen, which is smaller than most of the others on my shelf.  They would stare at me and make comments about how I was low quality or cheaply made.  They would talk about how my picture was not as clear or vivid as the others.  I do not know when, where, or how I was created, but it seems as though I fail in comparison to the other models and versions of myself.  My life as an unwanted, unattractive, and poorly crafted television was certainly less fulfilling than the lives of those in the shows I presented to my audiences. 
I learned much about myself from these humans, and I also learned much about their kind during my time on the shelf.  They come in all sizes, colors, and types.  Some of them even came in groups called “families”.  Most of these families contain some small humans called “kids”.  I always wished that one of these families would choose me and take me away as other televisions were.  For some reason, however, they never chose me.  I felt as if my life had no purpose, and if it did I could not understand what that purpose was.  These feelings eventually became a part of me, and were overwhelming.  I tried to no avail to find a way to convince somebody to choose me, and when I gave up on that I tried to find a way to make my feelings of disappointment fade.  One magnificent day, however, I learned that the reason I could not change these things was because they were not in my power.  You were the only one who could choose me, and you were the only one who could remove the negative feelings I had towards myself.  
            You walked by me many times, and you always hesitated when you reached me.  The fur above your eyes would move and lines would form between them as you looked at my screen.  The piece of paper that hung below me always seemed to grab your attention, although I never learned why.  You would run your fingers along my sides ever so slowly and clean tiny smudges from my screen with your sleeve.  I tried my best to perform well for you and convince you to choose me, but it seems as if I have no control over my performance.  You would visit me every day, but soon I started to lose hope.  I wondered why you kept coming to see me if you were never going to take me away.  Many televisions had been taken away during my time there, and I had never seen a human do what you did.  Usually, a human would walk back and forth near all of us and eventually they would choose.
            My dream of being taken was soon fulfilled, despite my lack of hope.  You came to visit me, as you usually did, but this time you brought another human with you.  The other human seemed to be very fond of you.  You were very close to this human and as you approached me you grabbed its hand and pulled it towards me.  For a while you described me to this human as if they could not see me for themselves.  You talked about a starter home and how I would be the perfect television for what you were looking for.  Soon the other human agreed and my wish was granted.  I was finally taken down from my shelf, placed in a small dark room, and when I was removed from this room my surroundings were foreign.  My new surroundings felt like an actual home.  I was also the only television in this new place, which was scary at first but made me feel somehow important.  This new home was amazing to me, but I had no idea how fantastic my life would become.
            We spend time together almost every night.  The other human who helped you choose me is always here to see me, too.  We share so many special times with each other, just the three of us.  Most of the time, you watch comedies.  The sound of your laughter after the punch lines makes me wish that I could laugh.  On certain nights, you will make our home dark and watch a romantic movie.  On these nights, we all cry together.  I watch as you both kiss each other and I know that I, too, am loved.  We share so much time together, and I could never imagine a better place to live or better company to have. 
            My life was uneventful and bleak, and I had never felt appreciated or loved.  I was convinced that I was undesirable by all of the humans who passed me by only to choose one of my shelf mates.  They said my color was faded, my picture was blurry, and my screen was too small.  Despite all of this, you chose me.  You looked past all of my flaws and you welcomed me into your home.  You devote so much of your time to me, and you never ask for a thing in return.  I had never known where those other televisions went after they were taken away, and I had always been jealous of them.  Now that I have you, I am so thankful that I was never taken away before.  No other home could possibly be as great as ours.